Become a Mentor

Mentorship is an integral part of the fellowship. We pair up our fellows with young professional in their field of interest who can inform and inspire them to achieve their full potential. Samaanta expects the mentors to take their role seriously as a failure to do so may impact negatively upon the fellows.

What is a mentor?

A mentor is a trusted adult with a commitment to provide guidance and support to a youth to achieve his/her full potential. Mentors will both inform and inspire our fellows to dream big and play a role in realizing that dream. The relationships the mentors build and the knowledge they gain from these interactions are bound to have positive consequences in the future.

Who can be a mentor?

✓ Mentor should be available for at least a year
✓ Meet the mentee at least once a month for the first six months and once every two months in the next six months.
✓ Meet the Samaanta team every six months
✓ Provide feedback to the Program Manager at least every three months

Responsibilities of a mentor

✓ Facilitate the transition from school to college/hostel life
✓ Be available to answer questions at other times
✓ Advise/counsel about their field of interest
✓ Provide them with guidance with regards to college applications
✓ Help them network for college/internships/jobs, including CV and interview preparations
✓ Encourage/promote extra-curricular interests/activities
✓ Encourage the mentee to become more engaged in their home communities

Policy on mentor-mentee interactions

In order to protect both the mentors and mentees, we have certain guidelines that must be adhered to at all times by the mentors.

✓ Mentors must refrain from developing close personal relationships with their mentees. Samaanta has zero tolerance policy with regards to behavior that could be considered to be sexual harassment. For example, unwelcome body contact, sharing obscene jokes, request sexual favors, etc.

✓ Mentors must maintain confidentiality with regard to any information shared. However, in cases where maintaining confidentiality is detrimental to the welfare of the mentee, it should be shared with Director of the Mentorship Program or the Director of Programs.

✓ Mentors must meet their mentees in public places.

✓ Mentors must not call or visit their mentees at inappropriate hours of the day and vice versa except during emergencies.

Interested to become a mentor? Contact us here.