Rajesh Sunar
Tenth Cohort
Rajesh Sunar is originally from Panch Pokhari, Thangpal Rural Municipality-3, Bhotang, Sidhupalchowk. He is a 10th cohort Fellow of the Samaanta Foundation. He completed his SEE from Shree Bhotang Devi Secondary School, Bhotang, and pursued his +2 level at Nepal Mega College, Babarmahal, Kathmandu in the Faculty of Science. Currently, he is enrolled at King’s College, pursuing a BSIT program with a major in Data Analysis.
He excels in both academics and extracurricular activities. Rajesh says, ‘The concept of Paying it Forward that I acquired during this fellowship has motivated me to contribute to those in need, particularly in my community.’ In line with this principle, he has participated in various community services such as ‘What After SEE,’ ‘Community Sanitation Program,’ and ‘Dengue Awareness Program.’ Additionally, he has participated in KYC (Kathmandu Youth Conclave) and Hackademia-2023 to enhance his leadership and communication skills.
He believes that individuals should not confine themselves to specific sectors but should embrace all the opportunities around them. While aiming to become a data analyst by profession, he also aspires to learn the skills to become a web developer. He strongly considers his journey as an example of the power of education, social engagement, and leadership, coupled with passionate determination and hard work.