Pranisha Nemkul (Preparing for Bachelors in Dental Surgery)
Sixth Cohort
My name is Pranisha and I am from Siddhipur, Lalitpur. I went to Shree Siddhi Mangal Secondary School and I recently completed my +2 in Science from Pentagon College. I hope to work on medical field one day, a career that I believe can help society and my family. In my opinion, medicine is being used carelessly these days. It’s important for drugs to be better regulated and for people to be more informed about the medicines that they are being prescribed.
There was a teacher from Teach for Nepal at my old school who had left to teach at a nearby primary school. Even though he was no longer my teacher, I went to visit him one day and asked about the Samaanta Fellowship that Anita didi had received. I’m glad I took that initiative because, as I am now studying science.
Moving to Kathmandu was an interesting experience – there are so many new foods and new faces that I had to adjust to. I do miss my home a lot and I’m lucky I am close enough that I can go back every once and awhile. There are five people in my family: my parents, two sisters, and myself. My father works in the garment industry and my mother works to take care of our home. My parents are very supportive of my pursuits and believe that a higher education will help me be successful. At Samaanta, we are encouraged to share our feelings and concerns with senior fellows and the more I did this, the more I felt comfortable in my new surroundings. I am also better able to manage my time. When I am not studying, I like to play team sports because in such games you have to think about more than just yourself. Because the foundation encourages us to participate in extracurricular activities, I also attend the workshops and other events. I learn a lot in these programs about myself in personal and professional ways.
Following my goal in life to work in a medical field, I’ve planned to pursue my Bachelors degree in Dental Surgery. Currently, with the support from Samaanta I’ve enrolled myself in Vibrant Institute for the preparation classes.