Surya Prakash Bajagai Swar

Twelfth Cohort

Surya’s home is in the Parsa district of Nepal, where he resided with his parents and grandmother. Although his parents do not possess their own land, they are engaged in farming. They cultivate crops such as paddy, maize, and mustard, which suffice to feed the family, with only a small surplus available for sale. Additionally, they own a few farm animals. However, these resources do not generate an adequate income, leading to Surya’s elder brother dropping out of school after completing the 11th Grade.

Throughout his life, Surya has remained an active participant in both his school and community. Within the school setting, he was a dedicated member of the environment club and actively participated in cleaning activities within the community and school premises. He carries a strong concern for the community’s issues, particularly the encroachment of settlements by elephants. Surya’s personal interests involve creative endeavours and a love for music.

Currently, Surya is pursuing higher education in the field of Management at Nepal Mega College. His personality is marked by maturity, confidence, reflection, and thoughtfulness.