Shobha Adhikari

10th Cohort

Shobha Adhikari is a 10th Cohort Fellow of Samaanta Foundation who got selected in Women LEAD Nepal in 2022 as a 2022 LEADer. She is one who has a dream of joining Women LEAD Nepal where she got influenced by the senior Fellows from the Samaanta Foundation who were certified by Women LEAD Nepal. She finds that Women LEAD Nepal is a learning platform where she takes different sessions on Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Advocacy, and more.She believes that she can become a good 2022 LEADer of Women LEAD Nepal and also become a change maker for her community.

Samaanta Fellows like Shobha have been keen on opportunities through which they can explore the world. Samaanta Foundation has always actively sought and supported Fellows in looking for such opportunities and platforms for their growth.

  1. What challenges did you face while applying to Women LEAD Nepal? How did you overcome those challenges?

Women LEAD Nepal is a non-profit organization that selects 30 LEADers each year, all of whom are young females studying in grade 12. I was selected as a LEADer in 2022 and the main challenges I faced were during the application process.

I went to a school in rural Nepal where a single class is taught in English language while everything else is taught in Nepali. So, I found it difficult to fill out the application in English.

Additionally, I had never attended a leadership workshop before, so I had little idea of how to answer the questions on the application form. Despite these challenges, I was able to become a LEADer in 2022 with some help from senior sisters and a mentor from Samaanta.

  1. Which session did you find the most interesting? Could you share examples? 

The session on Privilege was very interesting because the session helped me think about privilege in the context of the power system. I learned that privilege is associated with power and that it is important to share that power with those who might not have the same privileges. It is all because of the nurture-and-nurture environment.

In the session, all LEADers answered questions about our privileges. Some LEADers also shared their stories. We could see that some LEADers went through many obstacles in their childhood and some LEADers had many privileges.

After the session, we knew about each other’s struggles which helped us realize that while we may have different privileges, some are compelled to walk the difficult path of life. So, it is important to help each other during difficult times.

A quote that resonated with me is,

“When we’re not hungry for justice,

It’s also because we’re too full of privilege.”


  1. What will be your messages for those who will apply for the next year in Women LEAD Nepal?

Women LEAD Nepal is an excellent platform to build your confidence through introspection.  The platform helps you grow while also providing opportunities to make a positive change in your community. The highlight of my experience is the networking opportunities where we get to meet people from diverse backgrounds. People I met in Women LEAD Nepal have been awesome and are ready to help and support me in any way they can.

  1. What changes do you feel in leadership skills after joining Women LEAD Nepal?

As I mentioned previously, I had never taken a workshop on leadership before joining Women LEAD Nepal. So, I have gained valuable leadership skills through my experience. Time management was the biggest challenge in my life.  We had a time management session in the Women LEAD Nepal and now I am implementing the tips from the session in my daily life. For example, I wake up early in the morning and then list out all the activities for the day. Doing this helps me prioritize urgent tasks. Likewise, I always felt I had little confidence when talking to people. We also had a public speaking session, where I learned a trick about using hands gestures and maintaining eye contact with people. I am slowly implementing them in my life.

I also got a chance to learn about gender stereotypes, misrepresentation, bias, casteism, and more, which still exist in our society. It is important for us to address such issues and to work together towards solutions.